Does a bicycle helmet count as a personal item on the airlines?
We are going on a bike tour, and are trying to avoid another checked bag, if possible. I suspect our carryons will be full, and as the personal item, I was thinking the handlebar bags (with a shoulder strap, like a purse). If we wear our bike helmets, will those just be treated as hats, or will we get tagged for having two personal items? Both the helmet and handlebar bag should fit under the seat in front of us, I would think. The flight is from San Jose, CA to Salt Lake City, UT. Then another from Salt Lake City to Fargo, ND.
Cycling - 2 Answers
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1 :
roderick If it won't fit inside a carry on bag, then carry on a day pack. It is just slightly larger than a purse, and will easily fit under the seat.... plus, it will carry all you bike clothes. If you don't like that idea, and are stuck, wear the helmet on the plane. It is you hat of choice.... they won't press the issue! Then just stick it under the seat. Soccerref
2 :
O ya it's considered a carry on. if all bag's are full and your carry on is full. wear it. Can't touch that,