Can I walk from San Jose Airport to the Santa Clara Caltrain Station? And if so, how long will it take?
I'd like to not take a bus or taxi. I have a flight that arrives at San Jose at 4:23 and I want to make the 4:44 train out of Santa Clara Caltrain station. I don't have to wait for the baggage claim since all I'll have is a carry-on.
San Jose - 2 Answers
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1 :
No, you can't walk, it's over 4 miles away. Well, I mean, you can, but you sure won't make it in 20 mins! Best to take a taxi. Here is a walking route:
2 :
I agree that you can't walk it in twenty minutes. Even if it were, barely possible, the 4:23 arrival time of your plane means that the plane is expected to touch down at that time. The plane will still have to taxi to the terminal, everyone will have to debark from the plane, you'll have to make your way out of the terminal, and then, you will find yourself on the wrong side of the airport. And this assumes the plane will arrive on time. It could take you twenty minutes or more from the touchdown to you even reaching the terminal exit. It might take you an additional twenty to thirty minutes to get off of the airport grounds, and another half hour to forty-five minutes to get to the Cal Train station. Check out if there is a free airport shuttle from SJC to the San Jose, Diridon Station. San Jose train station is just the next stop, South of the Santa Clara station. I KNOW that there is a free shuttle to the VTA light rail station. The light rail will take you right inside the San Jose CalTrain station. The good news is that, during commuter times, trains arrive and leave every fifteen minutes or so. So, if you miss the train, there will be another arriving and leaving soon after.