Saturday, July 7, 2012

fall in love in airplane

fall in love in airplane?
I was flying on 25 of October from Moscow to SFO with. a stop in Chicago. I introduce with a Guy(Fred) in the plane.It was 11 hours flight...and we was just talk ..joke have a glass of was so easy with him. He was flying to Boston from Chicago and i am to San Fransisco ... his flight was first then me...We kissed I wave him before he enter the plane ... i felt so empty after he left... We like each other very much ,he get my email address( my cell was disconnected) Fred send me email next day, i reply... Hi Inna..! How was your flight yesterday...??? I slept all the way home... How about you..?? It was very very very nice meeting you... I hope to meet you again when I'm in California next - maybe in San Jose, maybe else where.... You are too cute...!! =) Your in-flight entertainment ;) Fred Hey there!!!I was slipping in 2Nd plane too.Still having a time difference now is 5 a.m...i can't sleep. Wat is the weather in Boston??? It is so hot in San Jose ... i was slipping near the pool all day yesterday, then went to the beach to watch a sun set ... best time is evening ...not much people and a sea smell ...only one problem back home in the dark .Wat You was doing yesterday ? Have any time difference?It was nice to know You too ...i travel allot and never introduce with any one in the plane so far ... it is defiantly some thing special in You... it will be nice to see You again. I want to have Your picture...send me please.So ...see You later. Have a nice day. Inna. (i send hem my pictures too) Then he send me 3 pictures without any text...should i send him massage or wait when he send me first??? I know ...this sounds stupid... i am 27 years old..he 30...but i think i fall in love with him... i thinking about him all the time... Please suggest me what is my next step ???
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sorry but i'm not reading all that. And I don't think English is your first language either haha

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