Thursday, October 14, 2010

How many gas stops are needed if you travel from San Jose to Los Angeles in CA

How many gas stops are needed if you travel from San Jose to Los Angeles in CA?
I figure if I'd save some $$ if I drive instead of taking a flight.
Commuting - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It depends on what kind of car you have. On my 97 Accord, I should make it on 1 full tank, or just make 1 stop. Now if you were driving some old truck then you might need to stop more than once. Depends on car.
2 :
Look at a map (the old fashioned way) or use mapquest to find the total distance from point A to point B, then if you know about what kind of mileage your vehicle gets, simple math will tell you about how much fuel it should take. Then divide the fuel total gallons by the size of your tank to get the number of stops.
3 :
Total Est. Time: 5 hours, 19 minutes Total Est. Distance: 342.33 miles Now, if you're driving my tow truck, and getting 8 to 12 miles to a gallon, that will give you one number. If you are on a motorcycle, that will give you another. Figure out what you will be driving, and what the mileage is. How far can you go on a full tank? Do the math for the about 345 mile trip, and you will know.
4 :
Well, figure out how many miles are in between and how much gas you get to the tank and how many miles you can go with one tank. It's not that difficult. Good Luck with your travel.
5 :
I drive an audi and usually start off w/ a full tank and make one stop for gas right before I hit the grapevine (I will still have about 1/4 of a tank left), by the time I get to LA there will be still 3/4 of a tank left. Even though I could probably make it all the way on one tank of gas, I don't want to risk running out going over the grapevine.
6 :
I think maybe you just like to ask questions.

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