Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Will someone find the price of this flight for me? PLEASE

Will someone find the price of this flight for me? PLEASE!?
I want to fly on South West. I want to depart on NOV. 24th sometime before noon, from San jose and land in San Diego. How much would that cost with a military discount?
Air Travel - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go on line to south west & ask them we can't because we don't you id & numbers
2 :
$166 less the discount
3 :
there i looked it up for you it would cost about 166 dollars to 200 dollars and best time are 8:25 take off or another good time 10:25 here the web site http://www.southwest.com/flight/select-flight.html?disc=0%3A28%3A1290287362.621000%3A4678%40BC1206E4FB04ABFB8381F392BAB80A0801BB5749&ss=0&int=&companyName=&cid=

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