Sunday, January 1, 2012

How can I get my fiance from Eugene to San Jose without having to book another plane seat

How can I get my fiance from Eugene to San Jose without having to book another plane seat?
I am worried my girlfriend is slightly over the size limit for a coach flight from Eugene Oregon coming into Oakland CA. The coach seats in the turbo prop plane are only 17 inches wide and she is about 19. After hearing about all those poor people getting kicked off of flights for similar issues due to exceeding the airlines size restrictions, how can I ensure this wont happen to her without needing to purchase another seat? I seriously would if that was an option but the flight is booked solid. Changing the date for her inbound flight is out of the question as she has already submitted her time off at her state job and she can't change it without consequences. Both her and I cannot afford to pay the $500+ for a later or earlier flight on that day either. Does anyone have any advice for handling the airline if by chance they remove her from a flight like they did kevin smith (who was on a much larger plane)? I am afraid the embarrassment would break her heart..
Air Travel - 1 Answers
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Why not spare the humiliation of it and drive together. It is s nice drive plus it' gives you time together...

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