Saturday, January 7, 2012

great america san jose, DROP ZONE

great america san jose, DROP ZONE .?
ohhkays , well im not so intimidated by roller coasters, but i'd never been on a drop zone coaster . wanna go to the drop zone , buh im soo damn nervous-__-'' . Lols . yeaup . i just wanted to know if it was really that scary? evryone says it is .? hows it feel like .? oh and what about the "flight deck".? i was just curious .
San Jose - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Haha, you're like my friend. He's scared of Drop Zone too (we had to drag him on with us). Drop Zone isn't so bad. Last last summer, I went on roller coasters and extreme rides for the first time in my life....and guess what? They were all fun! ...except maybe the spinny ones. Those made me dizzy as heck. I ended up going on almost every single roller coaster in the park -- Vertigo, Grizzly, etc. I went on Drop Zone twice the first time I went on it. It's not bad at all. The scary part is the suspense of going up. Just be prepared to fall really fast. It feels like a very fast roller coaster going down. But it ends really fast; before y'know it, the ride's over. :) Hm, I've never been on flight deck. We ran out of time before I got to that one.
2 :
Well if you live near San Jose you have probally been to Beach Board Walk well they have one of those i was so scared to go on it like So scared! Then When i wen on it really ain't as bad as it seems! Really fun actually, you'll love it if you like a thrill
3 :
flight deck is really fun its not bad at all. drop zone im gonna tell you the truth from a chicken ;] its scary going up the drop is hard to explain it feels like your intestine are gonna come out but its fun.. and when it ends all you can do is laugh. idk why its just always funny.

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