Saturday, July 14, 2012

Becoming a flight attendant

Becoming a flight attendant?
I am moving to the bay area in my near future and I am intrigued by the idea of being a flight attendant. I dont know any one personally who is a flight attendant so I i would like some feedback from those who are familiar with the occupation. I checked a few airlines online to see if they were hiring, but i am not sure exactly what im looking for. Are you hired out of the airport? If i live in San Jose (where the airport is) Will i be able to be a flight attendant without making a permanent move? I am very confused and SERIOUSLY new to this information. As of my info, I am 22. 5'6 at 165lb (losing weight currently) I have all of my general ed from college done with the exception of 1 class. I have a lot of experience working with people and children. I am first aid and CPR certified, fingerprinted etc. Am I a good candidate? What would i need? I am not bilingual but would love learning more languages. I plan to become a nurse one day, but right now i would like to have a job that i can travel, pay bills, get life experience, and benefits. Any info is wonderfully appreciated, advice.....stories...Help me out.
Air Travel - 1 Answers
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1 :
my god that alot but remember to show them u can do it. but also believe in yourself. look up emirates, qantas (if u are australian Citizen).

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