Sunday, March 21, 2010

How can I find cheap flights to Michoacan Mexico from San Jose, CA. Very excited

How can I find cheap flights to Michoacan Mexico from San Jose, CA. Very excited!!?
In December I want to spend my vacations in Mexico. I checked my local travel agency and they range for about a little less $1000!!! I am a college student as if that weren't enough expenses to cover. (college deals, perhaps?) Anyhow, recommend me anything you have tried that has worked for you with details. Thank you! I will greatly appreciate your help!! : )
Other - Mexico - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
"How" you find the best price on flights is spend time on the computer looking on one site after another, day after day until you find the best one you can. People seem to think there is some kind of magic to finding a good price on a ticket...there is not. It is simply "hard work"...not asking someone else to do it for you. have waited too late to find a "bargain" for Christmas time. Then...Michoacan is not a tourist therefore you are not going to find "bargain" fares going there. I presume you would fly into Morelia.) The best available fares will be to Guadalajara or Mexico City...then you would need to take a bus...about 4 hours. Also, you will do better if you look for flights from San Francisco, rather than San Jose.
2 :
Have a look at this link, it is my favorite. There are flights that are reasonable if you consider $500.00 reasonable. There are two connections with most , One in the US and one in DF. total time involved is 12 hours. They are available for early December. If you want to get adventurous you could take a bus up to SFO and get a non-stop (5 hours) to DF for $500.usd and collectivo to Tapo, it is very close and can be walked if you are Not packing too much luggage. If you googlemap the airport it is the circular building N/W of Benito Juarez Airport. From there you can get a luxurious 1st class bus and make the 200 mile trek in 4 more hours. The bus is around $40.00 usd (To Morelia)

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