Thursday, April 1, 2010

What is the quickest way to travel from Heilbronn, Germany to San Jose, California

What is the quickest way to travel from Heilbronn, Germany to San Jose, California?
I can drive from Heilbronn to Stuttgart, or Strabbourg or Frankfurt then fly to San Francisco or San Jose. I heard there is a non-stop flight from Frankfurt to SF but I need more driving. I am not sure which way is the fastest. Thank you.
Other - United States - 3 Answers
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1 :
You're welcome. Oh, that was just my reply to your 'thank you' speech.
2 :
I would fly straight to San Francisco, then fly to San Jose. Southwest Airlines has cheap flights between San Francisco and San Jose every day. Driving is just too much of a hassle between those cities, and traffic in San Fran can be a huge pain.
3 :
Years ago, I took a non-stop flight from Frankfurt to San Francisco. It was a boring experience. If you really need to get there quickly, the extra driving will be worth your while. If I recall correctly, those aren't huge driving distances. It's not like being in the US, where in some areas, it can take you half a day to get to a major airport. The nearest one to me is more than a hour's drive away.

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