Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The dollar bill 'raffle' on delayed airplane flights: anyone played it

The dollar bill 'raffle' on delayed airplane flights: anyone played it?
A few years ago, I was on an American Airlines flight from San Jose to Las Vegas, and we had to wait "on the tarmac" for about an hour before we could take off. To help pass the time, the flight attendants said we were going to play a game. Everyone who wished to participate took out a $1 bill. We each wrote our seat number on our bill. An attendant collected all the bills in a bag, and then had a child pull one bill from the bag. The person whose seat number was written on that bill won ALL the bills! :) Ever since, I have asked quite a few people (who fly more often than I do) about this dollar bill "raffle", but NO one has ever played this game on a delayed flight, or any flight for that matter! I wonder if it's unique to American Airlines, or perhaps it's unique to flights going to Vegas? Anyhoo, I'm curious if anyone here on Yahoo has heard of this game, and/or played it?
Air Travel - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Never, but it seems like a great way to make a bad situation, like a delayed flight, better.
2 :
I've never heard of it, but it sounds neat.
3 :
What if you did that on a 747-400? You know that double-decker jumbo jet?

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