Sunday, November 14, 2010

how do i book a flight from mexico from california

how do i book a flight from mexico from california ?
Finally going to meet my grandparents but im having a hard time finding airline tickets. I have never been to an airport or been on a plane. Is there a website where i can book their tickets? What are the diffrent international airports? Trying to find a flight from Uruapan Airport in mexico to San Jose california or Fresno.
Air Travel - 2 Answers
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The only airline that offers commercial service from Uruapan Airport is Volaris, which only offers flights from there to Tijuana -- there is no direct or indirect air service from that airport to any airport in the US. There are two options, however, in utilizing Volaris's services to get from Uruapan to either San Jose or Fresno: 1) Volaris, in addition to their plane services, also offers bus services from certain locations, according to the information on their website. You can board a bus in Tijuana that will take you to many California cities, including Fresno. These tickets can be booked from Volaris's website 2) If you can find ground transportation from Uruapan to Toluca, then it's possible to fly on Volaris from Toluca to San Jose (with a single stop in Guadalajara). Again, these tickets can be booked directly from Volaris's website, which is the second link below.

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