Saturday, September 1, 2012

Would a transit visa be needed in Panama for.

Would a transit visa be needed in Panama for...?
a Philippines passport holder travelling from Amsterdam to San Jose but the KLM flight has a stop in Panama where the plane will switch from KLM to Copa? and the transit time in between is more than 12 hours?
Panama - 1 Answers
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A visa is not required as long as you stay in the international area of the airport but you can't leave it. Since you have a 12 hour layover, you should inquire at the KLM counter, for the form that lets you buy a Tourist Visa. It costs $5.00. Then you can hire a taxi and get to see a little bit of the city. I recommend that you go to Multi-Plaza Mall. It is about a 25 minute ride from the airport. It has a lot of places to eat as well as very nice shops. A closer and less upscale mall is the new Metro Mall. While you are in the airport, when you leave the Customs/Immigration area, taxis outside will be looking for your business. The ride will cost you about $25.00. The price is set by the airport mafia. One way to get around this steep fee, is to go upstairs where taxis leave off people who are departing. . The stairs are just to your left after you leave Customs. The taxis upstairs usually drive back empty, so you can make a deal. Offer the guy ten bucks to take you to Multi-Plaza. It works. You might even get it for seven. Its found money for them at that price. CAUTION. If a cop is right there, the taxi might speed away. I've never had that happen to me.

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