Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Does anyone know of specific hotels and cities to stay in for surfing in early june in costa rica

Does anyone know of specific hotels and cities to stay in for surfing in early june in costa rica?
Im going between june 1 to june 11 and would like specific cities or hotels in costa rica to stay in . I already have my flight into san jose. So now i just need SPECIFIC places . Im not a pro surfer , more beg.- intermediate! please let me know !
Surfing - 1 Answers
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1 :
I live and surf in Costa Rica. I live near Dominical which has the most consistent surf year round. It can be a tough break for surfers who have progressed from riding in the whitewater and are now trying to ride the breaking waves. In my opinion the area that is best in the country for new and intermediate surfers who want to come and know that there will be surfable waves (some surf breaks don't work year round) is Playa Carmen in Santa Teresa. Santa Teresa has several surf breaks that are great for surfers of any level. Playa Carmen would be a beach I would vote in the top 5 in the world for beginning surfers. The hotels in the area vary in price from budget backpacking to excellent boutique style hotels. Another area to consider would be Tamarindo. A little too touristy and built up for me, but many people still like the area.

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